Hi, My Name Is: Aote!

I am not a fan of labeling myself (or any person in that matter), primarily because I do not think that we are only bound to a certain point in our life. I learnt to carry a pretty fluid perspective towards the question “Who am I“. So instead of applying “labels“ to describe myself, why not just approach this question plain and simple with a mixed flavor of authenticity, openness and directness.

I have always enjoyed the time which I spend for being active outdoors. I tend to believe that there is intangible and yet strong ties between me and natural environment (silly innit?). Photos and words are just ways I applied to describe and document that bond. This bond is deepened and materialized during my time in schools studying the natural environment through a scientific mind and an engineering approach.

Now I work in a software company, hoping to make the world a better place through my meaningful work (this is actually not a cheesy line of sarcasm, unfortunately lol). I do not know what my life mission is as of this point, but I just feel so good empowering, helping and supporting people and animals which I love and care about. Hopefully, this blog page will help me to gain some clarity on things since it would be a pretty good reference point.

About this Blog page..

I want to create and have a space to my own. A space where I tell my own stories, or stories of others from my “lens” of perspective. A space where I set my own narratives straight through words, photos, and videos. There is no ego to this thing, but it is 100% personal and authentic.

Authenticity is what I like to use in measuring the values of things and is at the foundation of how i perceive “beauty“. I am drawn to people’s feelings and emotions that are authentic and genuine or ANY medium that carries such authenticity and genuineness.

What you will find in this page, are my stories, my photos, and the stories behind the photos. Story-telling is at the heart of this blog. I strongly feel the sense of responsibility of giving people the context when they are looking at my photos. At this point, I am really not that interested into the technical side of photography (funnily enough, those are the things I learn quite thoroughly in school as a remote sensing fanatic). I mean I always would love to learn a few tricks and implement them in my photos to make them look more visually pleasing (which is very crucial as part of being creative). But well I need to prioritize things a bit.

And of course, I will do my emotional dumps here. No question about that. LOL.

I had this idea of creating a blog page for a while, but for whatever reasons, I have just been procrastinating. Finally now I decided that I do not want to get my legs dragged behind by the technical side of things any more, which is neither my motivation or interest. So here we go. Buckle up and Let’s get things rolling.